Participatory Irrigation Management
The concept of Participatory Irrigation Management
(PIM) has been recognized all over the world as a
tool for improving irrigation management along with
sustainability of the system. Irrigation systems
need to be restructured to make water management
efficient. However increasing demand of water in
all sectors including irrigation made it imperative
that the efficiency of the Irrigation Water
Management must be increased. National Water Policy
and State Water Policy, lay emphasis on
participatory irrigation management to be adopted as
an essential strategy for improving the
performance of all the irrigation projects and
therefore farmers should be involved progressively from
the grass root level particularly in water
distribution &canal maintenance. Thus the Government has
planned to involve farmers-users in a more systematic
way, at least, at the tertiary level of the canal
systems for alleviation of the management problems.
To promote and secure equitable distribution of water
among its users, adequate maintenance of
irrigation system, efficient and economical
utilization of water to optimize agricultural production.
To protect the environment and to ensure ecological
balance inculcating sense of ownership of the
irrigation system in accordance with the water budget
and the operational plan.
To Bridge the gap between potential created and
potential utilized.
For Prompt attention to problems and resolutions of
For Collective involvement in better application &
management of agricultural extension services.
PIM in Orissa
Participatory Irrigation Management that was
introduced in the state during 1995 on a pilot basis under
Orissa Water Resources Consolidation Project (OWRCP)
under the banner of farmers’ organization and
turn over (FOT). Experiencing its success at large, it
was extended to all the commands of Major,
Medium, Minor and lift Irrigation Projects.
Subsequently, during the year 2000, the water users
associations have been renamed as Pani Panchayats.
From its inception, till date a lot of efforts have
been given for wide acceptance of the programme.
During this period massive awareness campaign,
capacity building through training, workshops,
interactive workshops had been conducted at regular
interval for the farmers, office bearers of Pani
Panchayats and officials of concerned departments.
Legal Framework-Act & Rules.
To strengthen the Pani Panchayat programme, it was
felt that there should be a legal backing to the
existence of the Pani Panchayats. In this regard the
Orissa Pani Panchayat Act-2002 came into force
with effect from 15.11.2002 & the Orissa Pani
Panchayat Rule-2003 came into force with effect from
23.04.2003. Later necessary amendment of the Pani
Panchayat Act. has been made and published in
t h
Orissa Gazette on 20
Jan, 2009.
Farmers Organization is three tiers for Medium and
Minor Irrigation Projects and four-tier for Major
Irrigation Projects, as indicated below:
Report 2009-10
i. WUA / Pani Panchayats at primary level consisting
of several chak committees.
ii. Distributary Committee at secondary level (Major
Projects) is a federation of all WUA / Pani
Panchayats under the distributary.
iii. A Project Committee, at project level, is a
federation of all distributary committees’ for major
projects. Similarly for Medium Irrigation Projects it
is a federation of all WUA / Pani Panchayats.
iv. In Lift Irrigation Projects it is a single
tier system i.e. Pani Panchayat.
Above all, there will be a state level Committee to
lay down policies for implementation of Pani
Panchayat Programme as per the provision of the Orissa
Pani Panchayat Act, 2002.
Pani Panchayats are farmers’ organizations formed by
involving the farmers owning land withing the
hydraulically delineated block of 300 Ha. To 600 Ha.
In the command area of Major & Medium
Irrigation project. These Pani Panchayats are
represented by the members of various chaks under the
same Pani Panchayat.
Physical Progress-
(Formation, Handing over & Election)
Out of programmed 19551 Pani Panchayats 18014 Pani
Panchayats have been formed and the
Canalsystem has been handed over to them.
Initially Pani Panchayat were formed and registered
under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Now
Pani Panchayats are being formed by conducting
election as per Orissa Pani Panchayat Act, 2002 &
Orissa Pani Panchayat Rule, 2003. By end of March,
2010 election of Pani Panchayat has been
completed in 17803 Pani Panchayats under major,
Medium, Minor & Lift Irrigation Projects. The details
are as given below:
Report 2009-10
The functions of Pani Panchayats have been defined in
the Orissa Pani Panchatyat Act-2002and the
Orissa Pani Panchayat Rules-2003. Some of the
important functions are given below:
To prepare cropping programme considering the soil and
agro climatic condition with due regards
to crop diversification.
To prepare a plan for the maintenance of irrigation
system in the area of its operation at the end of
each crop season and carryout the maintenance works
with the funds of the Pani Panchayats from
time to time.
To regulate the use of water among the various pipe
outlets under its area of its operation
according to the warabandi schedule of the system.
To promote economy in the use of water allocated.
To assist the Revenue and Disaster Management
Department in the preparation of demand and
collection of water rates except EC aided projects and
L.I projects over the farmers collect water
tax among themselves.
To resolve the disputes, if any, between the members
and water users in its area of operation and
to raise resources.
Under World Bank assisted Orissa Community Tank
Management Project (OCTMP) Pani Panchayats
have been empowered to collect water rate &
retention of the same for O&M and take up the O&M
of Head works including the distributary system.
Report 2009-10
To provide necessary support to operationalise the PIM
concept in the State, a new Directorate
of Command Area Development and Participatory
Irrigation Management (CAD&PIM ) has been
established during 2007-08 under Department of Water Resources. This Directorate will make
concerted effort to scale up the CAD & PIM
activities to all completed and ongoing projects in the State
wide effectively. This Directorate have three units
namely O&M unit to look after O&M works, CAD
(Engg) unit to look after CAD activities and Pani
Panchayat Support unit to look after the PP formation
and elections, capacity building of PPs and their
functioning. The organizational structure of the
Directorate is given in the following page.
Report 2009-10
Grant-In –aid for O&M of canals
Grant-in-aid is being given to the Pani Panchayats on
achievement of 75% of membership by paying a
nominal participatory fee for O&M of canals handed
over to them. Initially, it was decided to give
Grant-in-aid @Rs.35/- per hectare and later it was
enhanced to Rs.100/- per hectare for the first year
and it is proportional to the percentage to the membership
for subsequent three years. From fifth year
onwards the Grant-in-aid shall be proportional to
amount of water rate assessed and collected in the
preceding financial years.
Construction of Pani Panchayats Building
The Government has issued instructions to provide
assistance for construction of office building for
Pani Panchayats out of M.P. &M.L.A. LAD fund with
the following criteria.
i. The operation and maintenance of Minor &
Sub-minors are taken over by Pani Panchayats.
ii. The membership should be at least 80% of the total
number of beneficiaries.
iii. The collection of water rate for the previous 3
years should be at least 75% of the demand.
iv. The assistance for each building will be limited
to Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) only, which
will be credited to the bank account of the pani
Panchayat as a grant-in-aid.
v. The cost of construction of office building may be
met out of M.L.A LAD fund or any other grant that
the Government may decide from time to time. The upper
limit of Pani Panchayat Building,
constructed out of MLA LAD fund, should not exceed
Rs.3.00 lakh.
vi. The Pani Panchayats concerned shall provide land
for the building free of cost or bear the cost of
the land. They are also free to make such other
contribution to the building in cash or in kind as
they may decide.
vii. In respect of the building to be constructed out
of MLA LAD assistance, the work can be executed
by Pani Panchayat or as per the MLA LAD Scheme
guidelines issued by Governemnt in P&C Department
from time to time and subject to such other conditions
as would be prescribed by Water Resources
Department. In this regard, Planning &
C-ordination Department has amended Rules and procedures
for sanction of MLA LAD funds 1997 to make
construction of Pani Panchayat buildings as admissible
Report 2009-10
Procurement of Paddy & sale to FCI through Pani
As per the decision of the Government, so far the Pani
Panchayats of Salandi Irr. Projects, Salia,
Ghodahada, Dhanei, Pitamahal, Budhabudhiani, Aunli,
Derjang, Bhaskel Uttei, Hirakud and Upper jonk
are involved for procuring paddy and selling it to
Capacity Building
a.T raining & Workshop
Training Programme for P.P office bearers’ and junior
level officers were conducted by WALMI and 15
Krushak Vikash Kendras (KVKs) of the state. Altogether
425 programmes were conducted during 2009-
2010 covering 15596 pani panchayats office bearers.
Lady Farmers after concluding monthly meeting
(Rushikulya Irrigation Project)
PP office bearers are undergoing pratical training in
Mass Awareness
a.Observation of Pani Panchayat Fortnight:
disseminate the concept of Pani Panchayat among the
farmers for better involvement in this
programme, Pani Panchayat fortnight is being observed
throughout the state every year during the
Report 2009-10t h
period 26
December to 9
January. The fortnight was observed at 50 divisions
and at project level of
all major and medium irrigation projects, at 18
divisions and 4 circle of the minor irrigation projects &
31 divisions of OLIC of the state. The closing
ceremony of the fortnight was celebrated at Ravindra
Mandap, Bhubaneswar on 9
January 2010 where in best two Pani Panchayats of
different circles
including minor irrigation project were awarded with
cash prize, certificate and memento by Honbl’e
Chief Minister.
b.Publication of Pani Panchayat Samachar
The Pani Panchayat Samachar is being published
quarterly basis and distributed to at all Pani
Panchayats for wide publicity of Programme and
policies of Government related to Pani Panchayat.
t h
During 2007-08 the 13
, 14
and 15
issue of Pani Panchayat Samachar were published and
distributed among the farmers. The 25
issue of the same is under publication. In additions,
containing different themes of the concept and
leaflets were published and distributed to all Pani
Panchayats for creating mass awareness.
Field channel constructed by members of MAA Pani Panchayat members of Salandi
Harachandi Pani Panchayat Projects
cleaning of the canal
c.Gramsat Programme
Interactive Training for Pani Panchayats is being
imparted through Gramsat programme each month on
an interactive mode to have a wider coverage of the
programme. This year 10 nos. of GRAMSAT
programmes have been conducted on different aspects of
Pani Panchayat. Through this programme,
Report 2009-10
farmers sitting at district and block level interacted
with the central resource persons and clarified all
their doubts through direct conversations.
For effective implementation of PIM, the programme is
monitored regularly at different levels.
i. The State Government has constituted a committee of
High Level Working Group on PIM under the
Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Orissa.
ii. The Agriculture Production Commissioner and
Principal Secretary, Department of Water Resources
are monitoring the progress of Pani Panchayat at State
iii. The Chief Engineer & Basin Managers are
making necessary review of PIM activities at Project level.
iv. The district Collectors are monitoring the PIM of
the district under their.
v. Jurisdiction in District Level Advisory Committee
Meeting in every two months interval. In addition,
day to day activities of the programme are being
monitored by Directorate of CAD-PIM
Performance Evaluation & Incentives.
As a factor of motivation best first and second Pani
Panchayat on the basis of grading of major,
medium, minor & Lift Irrigation Project were
awarded with best prize and certificate on
the closing
ceremony of the Pani Panchayat fort night by Hon’ble
Chief Minister, Orissa during2009-10.
1. Farmers are being involved in PWT in preparation of
project report including plan, estimate and
implementation. This is compulsory in ADB assisted
OIIAWMP and World Bank assisted OCTMP.
2. Gap ayacut between potential created &
potential utilized is being reduced. According to the Impact
Evaluation Study for CAD programme in Mahanadi Delta
Stage-I by WAPCOS, the gap ayacut
between potential created & potential utilized has
been reduced from 24% to 21%.
3. Construction of field channel and field drain of
43224 hectare has been carried out by487 nos. of
Pani Panchayats in 2009-10.
4. Crop diversion & crop intensification is
gradually increasing in the command area.
5. 17803 Pani Panchayat have already been formed by
conducting election out of 19551targeted Pani
6. 15596 nos. of farmers belonging to Pani Panchayats
were trained during the year2009-10.
Pani Panchayat can emerge as socio-economic
institution to ameliorate the rural poverty by providing a
single window platform for all developmental
activities of irrigated agriculture and can subsequently
permeate to other developmental areas as its
multiplier effects. It will help to preserve the rural
harmony in a holistic manner by checking the migration
of labour from rural to urban area thus will
help strengthening the rural economy of the State.
Report 2009-10